
Various converters for getting obs data in and out of IODA

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status GNU:AWS-gnu INTEL:AWS-intel CLANG:AWS-clang


The intended way to use this repository is to install in /usr/local by default, and if you cannot write into /usr/local use the --prefix option of ecbuild to install in your home directory under tools. Run the scripts from the place they are installed, not the source directory. That way the scripts can reference each other without providing a path.

For example,

ecbuild --prefix=$HOME/tools  /your/path/to/ioda-converters
make install


Python script, bufr2nc.py, for converting BUFR to netCDF4. bufr2nc is built upon the py-ncepbufr package.

Usage: bufr2nc.py [-h] [-m <max_num_msgs>] [-c] [-p] obs_type input_bufr output_netcdf
  • The idea is for bufr2nc.py to create separate netCDF files for different observation types

The short term plan is to handle aircraft, radiance, radiosonde and GPSRO observation types. AOD observation type may also be included in the short term plans

Currently supported obs types

Obs Type raw BUFR prepBUFR
Aircraft Y       Y
Radiosonde N     Y
Radiance (AMSU-A)  Y     N/A
AOD N     N/A


These scripts use classes defined in the gsincdiag Python library to convert output from GSI netCDF diag files into IODA observation files and GeoVaLs for UFO. To run GSI and produce the necessary files, see the feature/files_for_jedi branch in the ProdGSI repository.

The following executable scripts are to be used by the user:

  • proc_gsi_ncdiag.py
    • This script uses Python multiprocessing to run multiple instances in separate processes to convert the files in parallel.
    • usage: python proc_gsi_ncdiag.py -n NPROCS -o /path/to/obsout -g /path/to/geovalsout /path/to/diagfiles where NPROCS is the number of parallel processes that will run at one time (should be equal to the number of cores on one node.
  • subset_files.py
    • usage: subset_files.py -m/-s -n NPROCS /path/to/directory
    • Subsets all of the files in the input directory to an output of only 100 (m) or 1 (s) location.
    • NPROCS controls how many files can be subsetted at once to speed up the process.
  • combine_conv.py
    • usage: combine_conv.py -i /path/to/file1.nc /path/to/filen.nc -o /path/to/outputfile.nc
    • Finds observations for conventional data at the same locations and combines them from multiple files into one output file for additional processing or analysis.
  • test_gsidiag.py
    • usage: test_gsidiag.py -i /path/to/inputfile.nc -o /path/to/outdir/ -t conv|rad|aod|oz
    • A script to convert just a single input GSI diag file into one Obs file and one GeoVaLs file
    • This is called by ctest but can also be used by a user rather than proc_gsi_ncdiag.py

For developers, or for those who need to change the names of input/output variables in the scripts, see the README in src/gsi-ncdiag for details.


The marine converters all take the following format, with some converters taking additional optional arguments as noted:

Usage: <converter.py> -i INPUT_FILE(S) -o OUTPUT_FILE -d YYYYMMDDHH
  • emc_ice2ioda.py - Ice concentration observations from EMC. Optional thinning available with --thin AMOUNT argument.

  • gds2_sst2ioda.py - Generic SST/skin-SST converter for use with any GHRSST GD2.0 L2 or L3 data file. Parallel processing of files available with --threads THREADS argument. Thinning of data available with --thin AMOUNT argument.

  • gmao_obs2ioda.py - NASA/GMAO ocean observations

  • GODAE insitu temperature and salinity ocean profiles from the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center(FNMOC). Observations available from here

    • godae_profile2ioda.py
    • godae_ship2ioda.py
    • godae_trak2ioda.py
  • Hybrid-GODAS - preprocessed, suberobbed, and QCd observations of altimetry, insitu T/S, and SST. Used in the NCEP HGODAS project (these are likely to be removed at some point)

    • hgodas_adt2ioda.py
    • hgodas_insitu2ioda.py
    • hgodas_sst2ioda.py
  • rads_adt2ioda.py - absolute dynamic topography observations from NOAA/NESDIS. Observations available from ftp://ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/sod/lsa/rads/adt

  • smap_sss2ioda.py - SMAP satellite sea surface salinity observations. Observations available from ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/allData/smap/L2/RSS/V3/SCI

  • viirs_modis_oc2ioda.py - L2 satellite ocean color observations from NOAA Coastwatch for VIIRS instruments on board JPSS1/NOAA-20 and SNPP satellites, and from NASA GSFC for MODIS instrument on board Aqua satellite. Observations available from ftp://ftpcoastwatch.noaa.gov/pub/socd2/mecb/coastwatch/viirs/n20/nrt/L2 (VIIRS-JPSS1/NOAA-20), ftp://ftpcoastwatch.noaa.gov/pub/socd1/mecb/coastwatch/viirs/nrt/L2 (VIIRS-SNPP), and https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODIS-Aqua/L2 (MODIS-Aqua).

  • ncep_classes.py - Convert (prep-)BUFR with embedded BUFR table to IODA format. See here for usage.


Python script, odbapi2nc.py, for converting Met Office or ECMWF ODB2 files to netCDF4 files formatted for use by IODA.

Usage: odbapi2nc.py [-h] [-c] [-q] [-t] [-v] [-b] input_odb2 definition_yaml output_netcdf

Definition YAML files currently created and tested:

  • Met Office Radiosonde
  • Met Office Aircraft
  • Met Office AMSU-A from atovs report
  • ECMWF Radiosonde
  • ECMWF Aircraft

The current ODB library (called ODB API) only supports Python 2.7. ECMWF will be releasing a new ODB library (called ODC) soon, that will support Python 3. Our expectation is that ODC will show up in the next few weeks.

Until ODC arrives, we have to use python 2.7 for the ODB test and file conversion.

The ODB file conversion test will be disabled by default so that developers can continue to work in Python 3. The ODB coding norms test will always be enabled.

When developing the ODB code, you will need to work inside the container (Singularity or CharlieCloud) and with Python 2.7. To enable the ODB file conversion test, add the ENABLE_ODB_API option to ecbuild as follows:

ecbuild -DENABLE_ODB_API=1 <other_ecbuild_options> <path_to_source_directory>


Python script, odbapi2json.py, for converting Met Office ODB2 files to JSON files which can be used to load the data to MongoDB.

This script used to work, but is currently not being maintained and no longer does. The code is being kept as a starting point if we want to update it later.

Usage: odbapi2json.py [-h] [-c] [-q] input_odbapi output_temp > output.json


The chem converters include all converter scripts for arosols and related chemistry variables. Currently only one Python script, viirs_aod2ioda.py, is used to convert the native netCDF format for observations of optical depth from VIIRS AOD550 to IODA netCDF format. Note that it takes only AOD550 explicitly and does not take the 11 AOD channels from VIIRS. The converter uses the following format to execute:

Usage: <converter.py> -i INPUT_FILE(S) -o OUTPUT_FILE