
Agda learning repo with some handy nix expressions

Primary LanguageNix


While this repository has example sources, it can also be used as a template to create an Agda project in Nix or NixOS. Just delete the examples and attic directoreis once you are sure the environment works as expected and then add your own sources.

Nix usage

nix-shell from the current directory.

To launch emacs with agda-mode enabled, run mymacs in the newly launched shell; mymacs will also load your ~/.emacs file if it exists. If you are using spacemacs, you will need to edit shell.nix to use ~/.spacemacs instead.

Examle: run mymacs examples/hello/hello-world.agda then type C-c C-x C-c in emacs to compile the loaded hello world file.


Edit any of the nix expressions as needed. In particular:

  1. To add Agda dependencies via agda-pkg, edit requirements.txt
  2. To add more Haskell or other system dependencies or other target-language dependencies, edit deps.nix.
  3. To add or alter the editor used, change the myEmacs references in shell.nix or add similar derivations.
  4. Optionally, create .emacs_user_config in the repository root directory and add any additional config, such as (setq agda2-backend "GHC") to use GHC by default when compiling Agda files from emacs.