
Haskell interface to MineCraft-Pi

Primary LanguageHaskell


All code is placed in the Public Domain.


Doug Burke, dburke.gw@gmail.com


This is a basic interface to the MineCraft-Pi API. The intention is to build higher-level commands (and add support for missing commands), but you can say

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Main where

import Control.Monad (when)

import Data.MineCraft.Pi.Block 
import Data.MineCraft.Pi.Player
import Data.MineCraft.Pi.Types

import Network.MineCraft.Pi.Client

-- | Returns @True@ if the player is standing on gold ore.
isOnGold :: IO Bool
isOnGold = runMCPI $ do
    Pos {..} <- getPlayerTile
    bType <- getBlock $ Pos _x _y (_z-1)
    return (bType == goldOre)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    flag <- isOnGold
    when flag $ putStrLn "Look down!"


  • Install ghc and the Haskell platform

     sudo apt-get install ghc haskell-platform
  • Download the package

     cabal unpack mcpi

    which will create the directory mcpi-<version>. If you instead say

     cabal install mcpi

    then the package will be built and installed into the system; by using unpack you just build a local copy.

  • Build the package

     cd mcpi-<version>
     cabal configure
     cabal build

    You may need to install the pipes package before the above will run:

     cabal install pipes
  • Run one of the examples



Several examples are included in the examples/ directory. They are built, and installed, by default. To avoid building them tun off the build-examples flag at configure time by saying

cabal configure -f-build-examples