Fork of coconutpalm's XScalaWT project which is a Scala DSL for Eclipse RCP and SWT applications.
This fork mainly adds missing build functions for some UI elements.
While the original project uses Maven 3 to build, I have changed the build to use sbt.
This project relies on various eclipse libraries which are not available in public repositories (as far as I know). So you have to install them in your local repository.
To this end, I have created the install-eclipse-jars
task that downloads and install the required libs in the local ivy repository.
task depends on another lib : ozb-scala-utils as declared in the plugins.sbt file
modify build.sbt and adapt the url of the swt lib to your platform (Mac OS X by default)
/** URL of the Eclipse update site */ eclipseUpdateSite := "http://eclipse.ialto.org/eclipse/updates/3.7/R-3.7.2-201202080800/" /** URL to the swt lib to compile against (adapt it to your platform, mine is Mac OS X) */ swtNativeUrl <<= eclipseUpdateSite { _ + "plugins/org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx_3.7.2.v3740f.jar" }
run sbt and install eclipse jars
> install-eclipse-jars withSources=true
compile and publish as usual
Using in other projects
Add a dependency in your build.sbt
"org.ozb" %% "ozb-xscalawt" % "0.1"