I am an Assistant Research Professor at the Oregon IPM Center @ Oregon State Univ. I'm interested in modeling, mapping, biodiversity, ecology, and invasions.
Oregon State UniversityPortland, OR
Pinned Repositories
Daily downscaled gridded climate averages for 1961-1990. Input data are monthly tmin and tmax data from the PRISM database. Output data were generated using the "" script in bbarker505/dailynorms.
Presentation given to ASHS on 1/30/23
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Project and R scripts used in climate suitability modeling study of Calonectria pseudonaviculata
Perl and Octave code used to temporally downscale gridded monthly climate averages to daily averages.
The objective of the Degree-Day, establishment Risk, and Pest event mapping system (DDRP) is to predict phenology and climate suitability of invasive, biocontrol, and IPM species for the conterminous United States. DDRP is written entirely in the R statistical programming language (R Development Core Team 2019), making it flexible and extensible, and has a simple command-line interface that has already been adapted for online use. The platform can use a variety of gridded weather and climate data types for any historical (post-hoc), real-time, or future (downscaled GCM) time period. Model products include gridded (raster) and graphical outputs of number of completed generations, phenological/pest events, and climate suitability (i.e., establishment risk maps).
A final production version of the DDRP platform that includes cohorts, parallel processing, and improving mapping routines. The objective of the Degree-Day, establishment Risk, and Pest event mapping system (DDRP) is to predict phenology and climate suitability of invasive, biocontrol, and IPM species for the conterminous United States. DDRP is written entirely in the R statistical programming language (R Development Core Team 2019), making it flexible and extensible, and has a simple command-line interface that has already been adapted for online use. The platform can use a variety of gridded weather and climate data types for any historical (post-hoc), real-time, or future (downscaled GCM) time period. Model products include gridded (raster) and graphical outputs of number of completed generations, phenological/pest events, and climate suitability (i.e., establishment risk maps). The platform is described in a peer-reviewed paper in PLoS ONE (
Create Ecological Niche Models with TheMetaLand
Demo - Some basics of mapping in R
Demo of 'purrr' to Aggregate on 5/26/21
bbarker505's Repositories
A final production version of the DDRP platform that includes cohorts, parallel processing, and improving mapping routines. The objective of the Degree-Day, establishment Risk, and Pest event mapping system (DDRP) is to predict phenology and climate suitability of invasive, biocontrol, and IPM species for the conterminous United States. DDRP is written entirely in the R statistical programming language (R Development Core Team 2019), making it flexible and extensible, and has a simple command-line interface that has already been adapted for online use. The platform can use a variety of gridded weather and climate data types for any historical (post-hoc), real-time, or future (downscaled GCM) time period. Model products include gridded (raster) and graphical outputs of number of completed generations, phenological/pest events, and climate suitability (i.e., establishment risk maps). The platform is described in a peer-reviewed paper in PLoS ONE (
Demo - Some basics of mapping in R
The objective of the Degree-Day, establishment Risk, and Pest event mapping system (DDRP) is to predict phenology and climate suitability of invasive, biocontrol, and IPM species for the conterminous United States. DDRP is written entirely in the R statistical programming language (R Development Core Team 2019), making it flexible and extensible, and has a simple command-line interface that has already been adapted for online use. The platform can use a variety of gridded weather and climate data types for any historical (post-hoc), real-time, or future (downscaled GCM) time period. Model products include gridded (raster) and graphical outputs of number of completed generations, phenological/pest events, and climate suitability (i.e., establishment risk maps).
Daily downscaled gridded climate averages for 1961-1990. Input data are monthly tmin and tmax data from the PRISM database. Output data were generated using the "" script in bbarker505/dailynorms.
Presentation given to ASHS on 1/30/23
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Project and R scripts used in climate suitability modeling study of Calonectria pseudonaviculata
Perl and Octave code used to temporally downscale gridded monthly climate averages to daily averages.
Create Ecological Niche Models with TheMetaLand
Demo of 'purrr' to Aggregate on 5/26/21
Lab notebooks for Ready for R course
Scripts and plots for Tidy Tuesday weekly data science challenges
Materials for 2024 Cascadia R Conference workshop, "Intro to GIS and Mapping"
Climate matching modeling study for C. basicorne
An updated version of the DDRP platform (from v2) that uses newer R packages ("terra" and "sf"). The objective of the Degree-Day, establishment Risk, and Pest event mapping system (DDRP) is to predict phenology and climate suitability of invasive, biocontrol, and IPM species for the conterminous United States.
PDX R Meetup
Small Example of a Personal Distill Website for SPH504
Demo on how to conduct parallel processing in R
💌 Create simple, beautiful personal websites and landing pages using only R Markdown.
Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists
Tidyverse demo for Aggregate 3-16-23
Aggregate demo for 3/16/23