
Fall 2012 public projects (started one week before the class ends)

Primary LanguageRuby

Fall 2012 public projects (started one week before the class ends)

To clone: git clone https://github.com/cs253/f12

Use 'git status', 'git add', 'git commit' and 'git push' similarly as in Mercurial.

Note that git requires you to specify what changes to include in a commit by using 'git add', while Mercurial does not. You can get the effect of Mercurial by running the command 'git add -u' before each commit.

To set user name/email: git config --global user.name "..." and git config --global user.email "..."


rocs: the directory for the minimalist web server, single threaded, basic GET/POST, written in Ruby.

rocs/README.md: description of the design

webwork/README.md: the link to the webwork project


Github bootcamp
