
Can't drag and drop ORG files from Finder as Emacs creates a downloaded copy

iburunat opened this issue · 3 comments

Whenever I drag and drop an ORG file from Finder to the Emacs window, I get the following message in buffer:

#+DOWNLOADED: file:/path/to/file/ @ 2020-07-06 08:41:34

Then I click on it and it opens the saved org file, which is a duplicate of the original.
I am not sure if this is to do with Prelude or ORG behaviour. When instead of drag-and-dropping the ORG file on the Emacs window, I right-click to open it in Emacs, it starts a new instance of Emacs.

How to enable Emacs to open my original ORG files without any prompt?

Hi! Any response to this issue, anybody?

I guess that comes from org itself, as Prelude doesn't really modify it. I never use drag-and-drop functionality with Emacs, so I can't say much on the topic.

Thanks, I'll investigate around.