- 2
- 1
Make undo-tree possible to disable
#1424 opened by ryukinix - 1
Emacsclient (in daemon mode) doesn't start after adding prelude-helm-everywhere
#1419 opened by aviav - 0
Unable to start emacs w/prelude
#1422 opened by luposlip - 0
Confusing `prelude-format-on-save` setting
#1421 opened by knilink - 0
- 8
Starting Emacs - prelude-web errors out (and prevents personal/init.el from loading)
#1385 opened by vincentkam - 2
prelude-editor.el: fails to load on Emacs 30
#1416 opened by vincentkam - 3
Versions missing for `orderless` and `consult`
#1415 opened by cassiel - 1
- 1
Got a bunch of warnings on first installing prelude
#1414 opened by bochy992 - 3
ready for Emacs 29?
#1403 opened by nhessler - 0
- 0
Multiple warnings
#1405 opened by Dominiquini - 0
- 1
- 0
How to restore M-^?
#1402 opened by scottjones - 0
Typescript mode installation broken
#1397 opened by hut8 - 0
prelude-update throws "Wrong type argument" error
#1396 opened by mxm - 0
invalid function: org-assert-version on emacs 27.1
#1395 opened by arydevy - 0
Latex Configuration Leads to Problems with Quotes
#1391 opened by dstrohmaier - 4
External configuration file
#1371 opened by jvillasante - 5
Please change Rust default LSP into Rust-Analyzer.
#1374 opened by Mika-Lahtinen - 4
- 0
- 2
super keybindings not working under windows
#1375 opened by treopop - 1
add cursor navigation functions and shortcuts
#1368 opened by futurist - 3
- 1
super-save interferes with lsp-go
#1372 opened by hut8 - 3
Receive "Symbol's value as variable is void: kill-region" with Emacs 29.0.50
#1351 opened by hungptit - 1
Emacs 28.1: error when running Python
#1360 opened by gougouzhang - 1
Emacs 28.1: org-mode shift key shortcuts shadowed
#1364 opened by cassiel - 2
Documentation issues
#1365 opened by hut8 - 2
Overhaul prelude-go
#1361 opened by hut8 - 2
startup time, not an issue,
#1342 opened by wereket - 3
- 2
- 2
Add custom .el files
#1340 opened by shakthimaan - 5
File permissions break sudoedit
#1343 opened by Artefact2 - 1
"void-variable it" after upgrade
#1347 opened by pschrammel - 4
Perl mode adds extra curly braces
#1344 opened by isoboroff - 4
Interaction between prelude, which-mode, lsp and typescript mode causes big slow downs.
#1338 opened by paddymul - 1
C-c o not work in Tramp mode show message "crux-open-with: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil"
#1350 opened by futurist - 1
helm error when using prefix argument
#1359 opened by AtomicNess123 - 1
Adjust whitespace-style in different modes
#1353 opened by williamgrimes - 1
avy no longer on MELPA stable ?
#1352 opened by galtay-tempus - 0
Not being able to use cmd + xcv to cut-copy-paste
#1348 opened by sbobadilla8 - 0
The git-modes package replaces gitconfig-mode and gitignore-mode (and gitattributes-mode)
#1345 opened by tarsius - 2
<right> keybinding is discouraged! Use <C-f> instead
#1341 opened by cloudbuck3t - 1
Consider adding 'helpful' package
#1337 opened by craigmac