
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Step 1

git clone https://github.com/bbbb272/3sixty/

Step 2

Change into the 3sixty directory

Step 3

Create a .env file from the whatsapp message you recieved and add your Telegram BOT_TOKEN into the .env file

Step 4

Run this in your terminal

npm install openai node-telegram-bot-api winston sharp dotenv @google/generative-ai telegraf screenshot-desktop

Step 5

Run this code to get your CHAT_ID

node mainClientID.js

Find your bot on telegram, enter its chats, send a random message to it, and it will return a CHAT-ID.

Now back on your terminal press Ctrl + C to stop the code.

Step 6

You will get your CHAT_ID in the messages, add it to your .env file in the CHAT_IDS section

Step 7

Run this code

node mainScript.js

then switch to the your test/exam and then open telegram on phone, switch to the bot your had created and then enter it's chat and type ss

You'll get your answers now, enjay!