DuDoRNet: Learning a Dual-Domain Recurrent Network for Fast MRI Reconstruction with Deep T1 Prior (CVPR 2020)
- 12345a678
- 751994772
- badyuandd
- bbbbbbzhouYale University
- bgbofficialSouthwest Jiaotong University
- DearbreezeHebut
- duancaohuiBeijing, China
- Dzp1007
- gadm21Western university
- hellopipuRutgers University
- hongwang01Tencent
- JiaqianLiShanghai
- leekunpengpazhoulab-huangpu
- LeeKuo1990
- LightersWangFudan University
- liuyu98tju
- liyuxuan89Beijing
- LoserSun
- lz666winState Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics
- meiluzhuCityU University of Hong Kong
- nikkisagChapel Hill
- QingLyu0828
- secrul
- TabrisreiChina
- tianzhijiaoziAthe Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sun-Yat-sen University
- tongchuan1999
- Tsaiyue
- tschreinernowhere and everywhere
- XiaobenLi00Westlake University
- xiaoeyuztj
- xinwen-liuUniversity of Queensland
- XiongchaoChenYale University
- yshxdmGuizhou University
- yulequanThe University of Hong Kong
- Z7GaoUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- ZJL0517Nanjing