Awesome LDAP

Useful resources for learning more about and using LDAP whether you are a developer, pentester, network defender or something else cool!

pipeline status

My objective is to make this a useful resource for people with varying levels of experience with LDAP. Do not hesitate to suggest good quality introductory material.


The best write-ups and references for our friend: ldapsearch!

LDAP Implementations


  • FreeIPA - An integrated security information management solution that includes 389 Directory Server
  • Gluu
  • Keycloak - Open Source Identity and Access Management


  • osixia/openldap - One of the most recommended OpenLDAP containers
  • osixia/phpldapadmin - A great companion to the container above! This guide walks you through configuring them together. It uses Ubuntu 16.04 so use for legacy purposes.
  • LDAP in containers blog post from


Hosted LDAP/LDAP in the Cloud

LDAP Clients, Tools and Utilities

LDAP + Pentesting

NSE Scripts

Using NSE Scripts


LDIF is the LDAP Data Interchange Format. LDIF files are flat text files.


  • RFC 2849 - The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification
  • RFC 4510 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification Road Map
  • RFC 4515 - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Search Filters


These are some of the best available glossaries and other resources for learning more about LDAP terminology.

Other Awesome Lists


Conferences and Education

Community Support Channels


LDAP Servers

LDAP servers available for testing...

Guides, Articles, Papers Walkthroughs


Notes from the Field

Vendor Documentation