1PV dataset generation

this is the official github for 1PV dataset generation


We aim to simulate a first-person view (1PV) dataset by third-person view (3PV) dataset.

Implement Detail

Dataset preparation

  • Download the 3PV dataset, NTU60 pdf

  • download the 3PV dataset and transform it into pkl file, place it in the ./Dataset/3PV/

    • or you can place it whatever, and remember to modify the input data in the ./data generation/args.py or use command line to correct the input data path
python ./data\ generation/main.py --input_data="input data path"

Dataset Generation

  • Files
args.py: contains tunable parameters, they can be changed by command line
routing.py: RWP routing method
viewing.py: viewing method
main.py: the main file
lookat.py: the camera coordinate transformation method
definition.py: definitions of NTU60 dataset
visualization.py: for 1PV dataset visualization
  • command line for generate a 1PV dataset
python ./data generation/main.py --output_dir=./Dataset/1PV/ --viewing_type=log --routing_speed=4