This is the Starter Pack for Genie games. Containing everything a games developer might need to start building a game using the Genie framework. Every game should be forked into a new repository from this repo.
- adamland
- alex-s2@bbc
- Asimk21Mindtree Ltd
- astalker
- charlottehoare
- ClaireOHareSpotify
- dan-o-b
- DavePoole
- derekhorneBBC
- digital-childrens-appsBBC
- jayakar123
- jcockerill86bet365
- jhcloos
- johannlecalvezBBC
- katesentance
- mackah666Mr
- MikeypilkSalford
- MirceaGrecu
- mirdinj
- mizwhite
- mrazadev
- parsos06
- peedeerichDoncaster, UK
- Pikuseru
- RichardMobilePie
- romidaneSwiftech Consulting Ltd
- rowant1990Manchester
- samora@nuanom
- shaunwhalley
- shazndave
- ShivAmati
- SKHameed86
- swingpants
- teahar01
- TeracottaCo-op
- tosinbotNigeria