A React component to make correcting automated transcriptions of audio and video easier and faster. By BBC News Labs. - Work in progress
- 27escapeLiverpool, UK
- 3Scribe3Scribe
- alangunningIreland
- andrewblaneyLondon
- bevand10BBC @bbc @bbc-news-labs
- DanielFalkSR
- danny-morgan
- danwainwrightBBC
- eemailme
- emettelyBleep / Ochre
- ffffelixLondon
- fullerlee
- gut4
- jamesdoolsLondon
- jcarlos78Serena Energia
- jeremytarlingBBC
- jhcloos
- JoKentBBC R&D Automation
- kmahelonaAotearoa
- Langtonm
- LaurianCreative Technologist ※ Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow ※ Visual analytics × Computational Linguistics × Semantic Web
- milesbernieUnited Kingdom
- murezzdaSRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen)
- naomiaroDeveloper @spotify
- nickgerigCotswolds, UK
- nshmyrevAlpha Cephei Inc
- nxtreaming
- pietropAdobe
- seblapz@lionel-numerique
- srobinsonShell
- tamsingreen
- taymalali
- todrobbins@BONCOM
- VitalyChe