
Systems Analysis and Design

Primary LanguagePython

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it.304: Systems requirements and design b.hogan@snhu.edu

quick links:
• syllabus______________https://github.com/bbe2/IT.304.Fall.2022/blob/main/z.syllabus.it304.systems.design.pdf
• data___________________https://github.com/bbe2/IT.304.Fall.2022/tree/data.shakespeare.corpus
• python_books_____https://github.com/bbe2/IT.304.Fall.2022/tree/python_books
• re-engineering models__
• weekly.assignments_____https://github.com/bbe2/IT.304.Fall.2022/tree/weekly.assignments

Course Overview

Systems analysis and design is an artform, discipline, and science. Thanks to Frederick Taylor, the 1890s embedded the formative pillars of speed, quality, and checklists as defined in his scientific management paradigm. As American industrialization advanced from ratchets in the 1930s to silicon in the 1950s and information systems from the 1960s to today. Taylorism stopwatches and now timestamps continue to embed themselves throughout systems design and analysis methodolgoie.

reengineering over 100 years

To perform systems analysis and design well, it helps to know different reengineering models, the language of operation managers, what business leaders want to achieve, and critical impediments to sustainability. Information technology (IT) facilitates systems design efforts by codifying information. Today, Artificial intelligence (AI) helps drive system work by identifying unseen connections with tools like deep learning neural networks.

In the 1990s, MIT computer science professor Michael Hammer developed the management theory of business process re-engineering (BPS). Its tenets are process improvement, process re-design, and process re-engineering. BPS emphasizes the application of a holistic view to assessing how business objectives and processes are or are not aligned.

Question: have you stood in line in a coffee shop while the servers are busy doing many things but not helping you? IT online ordering has drastically improved systems, but great designs that don't measure or factor in an end-user or customer's needs results in rancid reviews and single stars. Quality system design principals seek to identify the internal and external factors a a priori to implement compelling holistic design experiences. versus implementing a poor customer design.

In the 2020s, BPS is alive and well, as witnessed by consultancies like IBM Business Process Reengineering and Bain’s Business Process Redesign. BPS names change, such as Accenture Human + machine intelligence, but its Tayloristic principles remain exceedingly profitable.

>>active learning<<

a priori____/ˌā prīˈôrī/____adjective

  • relating to or denoting reasoning or knowledge which proceeds from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience. "a priori assumptions about human nature" Similar: deduced. inferred, postulated

• IBM________https://www.ibm.com/services/reengineering
• bain__https://www.bain.com/consulting-services/performance-improvement/business-process-redesign/
• accenture__https://www.accenture.com/us-en/about/operations-index?c=acn_glb_brandexpressiongoogle_12610643&n=psgs_1121&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInpX4ru_w-QIVdAaICR1h1ArBEAAYBCAAEgINivD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

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