This module is an add-on for Kohana v3.2.0 that allows you to cache Facebook API queries and to invalidate on a specified table per table basis. Cache's by unique ID
Place into modules/mcache directory
Place the following code in bootstrap.php under Kohana::modules
'fcache' => MODPATH.'fcace' // Memcache API call caching for Facebook
Wherever you instantiate Facebook change it to Fcache_Facebook
$facebook = new Fcache_Facebook(
This is an example of how to call the api using Kohana_Fcache's Query method
$query = $facebook->query("/me")->execute();
If no table is specified, the default table is 'user'
To specify a table (or tables):
$query = $facebook->query("/me")->set_table('user')->execute();
To invalidate all specified tables (on an insert, etc):
$query = $facebook->query("/me")->set_table('user')->invalidate()->execute();
To force execute (and cache result)
$query = $facebook->query("/me")->set_table('user')->execute(FALSE);
To set lifetime (in seconds)
$query = $facebook->query("/me")->set_table('user')->set_lifetime(3600)->execute();