
A helpful chef to cook hygen recipes

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


🧑‍🍳 hygen-cook

A composition tool for hygen templates. Allows you to compose and generate complex services from many small modular hygen generators.


Hygen is great for templating out small bits of boilerplate for specific use cases, but less than ideal for large complex projects with multiple different options. Hygen Cook aims to solve that issue by allowing you to define a recipe for that large complex project by combining multiple small generators in a specific shape and order.


What is a Recipe?

A recipe is composed of two main sections, ingredients and instructions. Ingredients specifies which generators will be used in the recipe, either by git url or npm package name. Instructions specifies the calls to those generators and the arguments they require. When you have a recipe file and want to cook the recipe, simply call hygen-cook and pass it the recipe, pretty soon you'll have a freshly baked project to start working on.



To get the hygen-cook command available in your terminal you'll need to install the module globally:

npm i -g hygen-cook

Create a Recipe

name: My API
  - https://github.com/hygen-generators/scaffolder-demo-hygen
  - github-actions-generators
  - ingredient: scaffolder-demo-hygen
    generator: monorepo
    action: new
      - option: name
        value: simple-service
  - ingredient: scaffolder-demo-hygen
    generator: monorepo-package
    action: new
    basePath: packages/api
      - option: name
        value: api
  - ingredient: scaffolder-demo-hygen
    generator: monorepo-package
    action: lambda
    basePath: packages/api
      - option: name
        value: api-lambda
      - option: component
        value: api
  - ingredient: scaffolder-demo-hygen
    generator: monorepo-package
    action: new
    basePath: packages/ingest
      - option: name
        value: ingest
  - ingredient: scaffolder-demo-hygen
    generator: monorepo-package
    action: lambda
    basePath: packages/ingest
      - option: name
        value: ingest-lambda
      - option: component
        value: ingest
  - ingredient: github-actions-generators
    generator: github-actions
    action: build-test-publish
      - option: admin-github-token
        value: SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN
      - option: main-branch
        value: main
      - option: node-version
        value: '14.11'
      - option: use-commit-lint
      - option: use-lerna
  - ingredient: github-actions-generators
    generator: github-actions
    action: dependabot
      - option: admin-github-token
        value: SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN
      - option: main-branch
        value: main
      - option: node-version
        value: '14.11'
  - ingredient: github-actions-generators
    generator: github-actions
    action: terraform-deploy
      - option: admin-github-token
        value: SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN
      - option: main-branch
        value: main

Time to cook

hygen-cook -r path/to/my-api-recipe.yml


hygen-cook --help
      --version             Show version number                        [boolean]
  -r, --recipe              The recipe to cook up            [string] [required]
      --overwriteTemplates  Should overwrite templates?
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
      --help                Show help                                  [boolean]

Example Recipes

Some example recipes for you to try out using open source generators

A node module with github actions to build, test, and publish

name: a-shiny-new-module
node: &vNode '16.14.2'
  - &gha hygen-github-action-generators
  - &nodemod hygen-node-module-generators
  - ingredient: *gha
    generator: gha-workflows
    action: new
      - option: name
        value: workflows
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
  - ingredient: *nodemod
    generator: node-module
    action: new
      - option: name
        value: shiny-new-module
      - option: description
        value: A shiny new module to do awesome things
      - option: author
        value: You <you@your.com>
      - option: repoName
        value: https://github.com/bbeesley/awesome-generators
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
      - option: supportNodeVersion
        value: '14.18.3'

A monorepo for multiple packages with github actions to build, test, and publish

name: a-shiny-set-of-modules
node: &vNode '16.14.2'
repo: &repo 'https://github.com/bbeesley/awesome-generators'
  - &gha hygen-github-action-generators
  - &nodemod hygen-node-module-generators
  - ingredient: *gha
    generator: gha-workflows
    action: new
      - option: name
        value: workflows
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
  - ingredient: *nodemod
    generator: node-module
    action: new
      - option: name
        value: root
      - option: description
        value: Root package for lerna
      - option: author
        value: You <you@your.com>
      - option: repoName
        value: *repo
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
      - option: supportNodeVersion
        value: '14.18.3'
      - option: isLernaRoot
        value: 'true'
  - ingredient: *nodemod
    generator: node-module
    action: new
    basePath: packages/a-monorepo-package
      - option: name
        value: a-monorepo-package
      - option: description
        value: One of the packages in my monorepo
      - option: author
        value: You <you@your.com>
      - option: repoName
        value: *repo
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
      - option: supportNodeVersion
        value: '14.18.3'
      - option: isLernaChild
        value: 'true'
  - ingredient: *nodemod
    generator: node-module
    action: new
    basePath: packages/another-monorepo-package
      - option: name
        value: another-monorepo-package
      - option: description
        value: Another of the packages in my monorepo
      - option: author
        value: You <you@your.com>
      - option: repoName
        value: *repo
      - option: nodeVersion
        value: *vNode
      - option: supportNodeVersion
        value: '14.18.3'
      - option: isLernaChild
        value: 'true'