
Frontend code to my Razzle Dazzle Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RazzInDazzle - A Dynamic Chess Variant

[Build Status]

This is Repository for the Frontend Code for The Razzle Dazzle Game


Razzle Dazzle is an innovative chess variant where players race to move one of their pieces to their opponents back rank a with a metal ball. The game introduces unique mechanics that provide a fresh and exciting twist on traditional chess gameplay.

Accessing the App

You can access the live version of the app here.

Installation Instructions


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • MongoDB


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/bbeizer/rd-frontend.git
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

    git checkout -b feature-branch-name

  3. Make your changes and commit them:

    git commit -m "Description of the changes made"

  4. Push to the branch

    git push origin feature-branch-name

  5. Open a Pull Request

    Go to your repository on GitHub. Click on the "Compare & pull request" button. Describe your changes and submit the pull request.

Next Steps

As RazzInDazzle continues to evolve, here are the key features and improvements planned for future releases:

1. Guest User Functionality

  • Quick Access: Implement a guest mode that allows users to join and play games without the need to sign up or log in.
  • Temporary IDs: Assign temporary IDs to guest users for the duration of their session, ensuring they can seamlessly join games.
  • Optional Sign-Up: Provide an option for guests to convert their session into a registered account, preserving any game history or statistics.

2. Overall UI/Bug Fixes

  • Better Design: improve the overall look and feel of the app
  • Feedback Form: adding a feedback form
  • In game Chat: implementing an in game chat
  • Bug Fixes: fix any known bugs