
CakePhp 2.x Project for EZ use of Auth component

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePhp 2.x Plugin for easy implementation of the Auth Component

1. Import Authentication/Config/Schema/users.sql file to cake db

2. Add the following line to your app/Config/bootstrap.php
    CakePlugin::load('Authentication', array('routes' => true));
    *** note: for some reason loadAll doesn't work with this plugin,
        it never loads the routes correctly

3. Before enabling the component, navigate to:
    And add a default user you can login to the site with.

4. Enable Auth component by adding it to AppController like so:
    public $components = array(
        'Auth' => array(
            'loginAction' => array(
                'controller' => 'Users',
                'action' => 'login',
                'plugin' => 'Authentication',
                'admin' => false,
            'userModel' => 'Authentication.User',
            'authenticate' => array('Form'),

3. Add this line to your layout where you want to display Auth messages:
    <?php echo $this->Session->flash('auth'); ?>

*** If you'd like to use Controller level authorization, checkout the branch

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