
Helpers for virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

MIT LicenseMIT

virtualenv cheatsheet

Helpers for virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.


  1. Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper with pip or your preferred method.
  2. Copy the enviornment variables from bash_environ to your .profile or .bashrc or .bash_profile
  3. Source your profile (or exit and reopen your terminal)


Check out the cheatsheet for recommendations on how to use these helpers.

Python Package setup

This is my normal method to setup a Python project:

  1. Create a directy in $PROJECT_HOME for my project lets name it "project"
  2. `cd $PROJECT_HOME/project
  3. git init
  4. touch .gitignore
  5. venv.init -a $(pwd) project
  6. mkdirs docs tests project bin
  7. touch tests/init.py
  8. touch project/init.py
  9. touch setup.py
  10. pip install (whatever you need)
  11. pip freeze > requirements.txt
  12. touch README.md
  13. touch LICENSE

At this point you should have everything you need to get started (commit your initial structure and go!)