How to use { MySample API } on Web3

Airnode API Documentation

{ MySample is a fake API that demonstrates how to write documentation for Airnode APIs. This paragraph is where you would give a brief overview of your API and what it does. }

Home Page: { }
Web2 Docs: { }

Call this Airnode API

Read the Airnode developer documentation to learn how to call Airnode APIs. You'll need to know the ProviderID to call any endpoint in this API.

ProviderID: { 0xd29b9f8588120f75c27e9c84c4cbe88e29034f19368353487c940cccd5874743 }

Reserved Parameters are used to control Airnode behavior and are available for all endpoints.

This API is available on: { edit table below }

Chain Client Contract P
Ethereum 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 1m
RSK 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 1m
Moonbeam 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 1m
xDai 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 1m
Solana 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 1s



{ This is an endpoint that can be called by this API. Explain what it does and consider deep linking to it in your Web2 docs. }

Web2 Docs: { }

You'll need to know the EndpointId to call this endpoint.

EndpointId: { 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 }

Request Parameters { edit below }

bytes32 param1; // The first parameter
uint256 param2; // The second parameter

Fixed Parameters { edit below }

bytes32 format = 'json'; // The format parameter is fixed to the value 'json'

Response { edit below }

int32 result; // The response value of of the request


{ This is an endpoint that can be called by this API. Explain what it does and consider deep linking to it in your Web2 docs. }

Web2 Docs: { }

You'll need to know the EndpointId to call this endpoint.

EndpointId: { 0xd37251d64f9aa2e06ec1e3393e52724d091ecf3c458670f2938ac2c94da37fa2 }

Request Parameters { edit below }

bytes32 param1;
uint256 param2;

Response { edit below }

bool result;