A Math Program for the TI 83+ written in Z80 Assembly
The goal of this project was to create an extensive math program for my TI83+ calculator. There are two options for programming languages. The first is TI-BASIC, which is a high level interpreted language. Since it is an interpreted language it runs very slow. Additionally you do not have much control over the display. The second option is Z80 Assembly. While this is much harder to program in, the advantages are well worth the increased development time.
Delevolpment was started on December of 2013. I had no previous experience with any concepts of computer architecture or assembly language. Needless to say, I learned a lot about both of these topics and now have a deep appreciation for high level languages.
I used Latenite to compile and test my code. It can be downloaded from here: http://www.benryves.com/products/latenite
In depth documentation (with pictures) here: https://bbernardoni.com/Z80Asm/
Assembler Output located here: https://bbernardoni.com/Z80Asm/Math.htm