
build a Qt android app inside a docker container

Primary LanguageDockerfile

This Dockerfile allows to build Qt applications inside a container container. It uses the awesome qtci scripts from @benlau for installing Qt, the android SDK + NDK.


  • Download the Dockerfile to your host system with wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bbernhard/qt-android-docker/master/Dockerfile

  • Change to the directory where the Dockerfile resides and build the docker container with:

    docker build -t qt-android .

    If no build arguments are specified, a docker container with Qt 5.12.0, Android NDK r17c and android-19 will be created.

    In case you want to create a docker image with different versions, change the following line accordingly:

     docker build -t qt-android --build-arg QT_VERSION="5.12.0" --build-arg NDK_VERSION="r17c" --build-arg SDK_INSTALL_PARAMS="platform-tool,build-tools-20.0.0,android-19" --build-arg QT_PACKAGES="qt,qt.qt5.5120,qt.qt5.5120.gcc_64,qt.qt5.5120.android_armv7" .
  • Next, create a bash script on your host system, which will then be executed inside the docker container.

    e.q: The script to build Imagemonkey - TheGame looks like this:

# script.sh

git clone https://github.com/bbernhard/imagemonkey-thegame.git /tmp/imagemonkey-thegame
build-android-gradle-project /tmp/imagemonkey-thegame/imagemonkey_thegame.pro
  • Now, create a folder named android-build on your host system and run the docker container with

docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/android-build",target=/android-build -i qt < script.sh

to build your application. Inside the android-build folder you should now find the apk.