Since Home Assistant 0.104 the Signal Messenger integration is now part of Home Assistant - i.e this custom component isn't needed anymore. If you are using this custom component, please migrate to the official integration. This component will not be maintained anymore.

Signal Notifications for HomeAssistant

This is a custom component that adds Signal Messenger Notifications to HomeAssistant.


  • Copy the signalmessenger folder to your Home Assistant custom_components folder.

    The custom_components folder is usually the folder, where your configuration.yaml file resides. In case there doesn't already exist a custom_compontens folder, just create one and copy the signalmessenger folder into it.

  • Next, we need to create the signal-cli-rest-api docker container. The docker container is just a small REST API wrapper around the signal-cli commandline tool and used for communicating with the Signal Messenger Service.

    In case you are already using docker compose for Home Assistant, just add the signal-cli-rest-api service to it.

    A simple docker-compose.yml file could look like this:

    version: "3"
        image: bbernhard/signal-cli-rest-api:latest
          - "8080:8080"
        network_mode: "host"
          - "./signal-cli-config:/home/.local/share/signal-cli"
  • Start the service with docker-compose up -d

  • Next, you need to register the phone number that you want to use for sending signal messages. (you only need to do that once)

    In order to do that, execute the following command via CURL:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" '<number>'

    Don't forget to replace <number> with your actual phone number! (e.g: +4361212112912112)

  • If everything went fine, your phone number should now be registered. Next, edit your Home Assistant configuration.yaml file and add the following entry to the notify section:

       - name: signal
         platform: signalmessenger
         sender_nr: <phone number> # add the phone number you've registered above here (e.g "+4361212112912112")
           - <recipient 1> #the number you want to the send the signal message to (e.g "+4912172812871721"
  • Restart your Home Assistant service


After we've setup everything, let's test if we can send a message via Home Assistant.

  • Open the services tab in your Home Assistant instance

  • Select notify.signal as service type and add a message. After clicking the CALL SERVICE Button, you should receive the signal message within a few seconds.

  • In case you want to add an attachment to your signal message, specify the filename