Here are some introductory materials to accompany this presentation:
Creating Interactive Web Applications with R & Shiny
Numbered folders in this repository correspond with iterative development and enhancement of a Shiny app:
: default app from using RStudio, File > New File > Shiny Web App…02_quakes_mag
: swap to quakes dataset, adjust histogram by magnitude03_quakes_depth
: add depth slider, select box for variable to histogram04_quakes_map
: add leaflet map05_quakes_dashboard
: enhance ui with shinydashboard
You can download all files in this repo at (or use git clone
). The latest versions of R and RStudio are highly recommended to follow along.
Be sure to check out the prepatory chunks of R code and outputs in the Rmarkdown docs/index.Rmd
knitted to docs/index.html
viewable at