Letsencrypt automation

certbot-auto with DNS challenge on GoDaddy

TODO: replace sample with documentation

cipi@chicago:~/src/certbot$ ./certbot-auto certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 -d es2.dev.silkmq.org --manual-auth-hook ~/src/letsencrypt-extra/godaddy/authenticator.sh --manual-public-ip-logging-ok

Java keystores

You have to set up SSH access to all infra hosts with appropriate private keys first.

To update/deploy JKS run

cd jks
./deploy-all jkstab

Rancher certs

You'll need ~/.envtab and ~/.netrc properly set up for it to work.

To renew certs in rancher infrastructure run

sh certbot-renew.sh

To deploy a certificate to all rancher servers and environments in ~/.envtab run

cd rancher
./deploy-to-all.sh ... 

To manage a certificate manually to one of the servers defined in ~/.envtab run

cd rancher
./deploy.sh ...

Both deploy.sh and deploy-to-all.sh will document usage when started with no arguments.