
Lamina1 node setup with Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Lamina1 containerized node setup and related infrastructure stuff

Official doc: https://docs.lamina1.network/docs/userguide/#running-a-lamina1-node


  • Docker
  • git

TESTNET node setup

  1. Clone repo git clone
    git clone https://github.com/wdstorer/lamina1-node.git
  2. cd into the project folder
    cd lamina1-node
  3. Build the container
    docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t lamina1-node:latest .
  4. Run the lamina1 node in the background, persist data in a volume, and restart container when the computer is rebooted
    docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
                  --name lamina1-node-testnet \
                  --mount source=lamina1-testnet-data,target=/data \
                  lamina1-node:latest --config-file configs/testnet/default.json --data-dir /data
  5. Confirm that the container is running in the background
    docker ps
  6. Tail the logs until you start seeing output (note it may take several minutes for any output to show up) Ctrl+c to stop tailing the log
    docker logs -f lamina1-node-testnet
  7. Run check-bootstrap.sh to confirm that API is up and the chains are synced (It will take awhile for the chains to sync from scratch)
    docker exec -it lamina1-node-testnet ./check-bootstrap.sh

Useful commands

# stop the container
docker stop lamina1-node-testnet

# delete the container
docker rm lamina1-node-testnet

# delete the image
docker rmi lamina1-node-testnet

# delete persistent storage
docker volume rm lamina1-testnet-data