Palindromic Number Generator

When given a positive number value, return a palindromic number and how many steps it took to reach that number. ​


Create a function named palindromeNumberGenerator which takes a Number value. Check if the number is a Palindromic Number, if it's not then add together the value and the value-reversed and check if the sum is a palindromic number, repeat until you reach a palindromic number value. Each time you sum up the values to get a new number to check, increase the step count by 1. ​ Input will always be a positive integer. ​

Example #1

Lets, start with palindromeNumberGenerator(87):

  • 87 is not a palindromic number, so we will add 87 + 78 (78 is 87 reversed)
    • increase our steps by 1
  • 165 is not a palindromic number, so we will add 165 + 651
    • increase our steps by 1
  • 726 is not a palindromic number, so we will add 726 + 627
    • increase our steps by 1
  • 1353 is not a palindromic number, so we will add 1353 + 3531
    • increase our steps by 1
  • 4884 is a palindromic number. Your function will return an object { value: 4884, steps: 4 }

Example #2


  • 1331 is a palindromic number. Your function will return an object { value: 1331, steps: 0 }

Additional Requirements

  • Create a Git Repository for this challenge
    • commit often and have your commit messages be descriptive
  • Write tests for your function using the Mocha and Chai Libraries.
    • Provide test for all cases. Handle unexpected inputs, invalid arguments, etc.