
The Ask

Good morning team! We have been asked to implement a better button for our marketing landing pages in the hopes it leads to more conversions. We currently do one off landing pages for inbound marketing to lead customers to our main brand site. The CEO is demanding that we increase our number of conversions this year and we want something a little more enticing to get users to click.

Your Challenge

Please mock up a simple app with a nice big blue button that when a user hovers over the button grows by 5px in all directions and changes from the dark blue we have on the site to...idk something..."warmer". We also are not sure of the color or sizes we will end up deciding on so the implementation needs to be flexible. Please mock up a prototype for us so we can sell more widgets!!

Any other styling is ok too since you guys are the web masters so impress us.

Thaaaannnks :D