
Generate a Thumbnail of an image for use on the web etc.

Primary LanguageShell


Generate a Thumbnail of an image for use on the web etc in Haiku.



Haiku with yab and yab-ide installed


Open a Terminal and cd to the Thumb directory

type : build.sh


Thumb by Jim Saxton version 1.2

Thumb produces a scaled thumbnail of the original image based on the height you provide.The output file will be placed in the current working directory.


Thumb Filename Height

Filename: includes the path to the input file.

Height The height in pixels , minimum 20, for the output file.

P Change Height to percentage 1 to 100.

T type Output file type can be:

png, tiff, ppm, tga

The default output format is jpg.


Thumb image.png 50 P T png

This will produce a .png thumbnail 50% as high as the original named thumb-image.png

Thumb /boot/home/Desktop/photo.png 50

This will produce a .jpg thumbnail 50 pixels high named thumb-photo.jpg