
yeah, an icon generator for nix porjects

Primary LanguageOpenSCAD


this has gone too far

Fire all of your designers, Tweag, Serokell, Flox (and all other Nix-y companies)!
This is the ultimate, parametric and reproducible solution to all your branding problems!

It kinda went out of control, and I've made an openscad customizer, which supports a really wide range of Nix logos. Including original one.


Just install Nix, run nix-shell -p openscad --command "openscad ./genix.scad", and you are good to go!

Also, you can try using customizer on Thingiverse, but it's baaaad.
Thing on thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5100695

ehm, I just wanted to do a Nix logo, but a pentagram