
A wrapper around argparse that allows configuration files

Primary LanguagePython


Not Ready For Usage Yet

This module wraps argparse.ArgumentParser so arguments passed to it can be overwritten in the following order:

  • script default configuration - overwritten by any of the following
  • system config
  • user config
  • environmental variables (with an optional prefix)
  • explicitly passed config
  • explicitly passed arguments - never overwritten

Sample usage:

  • in file addem.py:

TODO: add actual config stuff here...

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
parser.add_argument('--integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+',
                    default=[1, 2, 3],
                    help='an integer for the accumulator')
parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const',
                    const='sum', default='max',
                    help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')

options = ArgumentConfig(parser)

o = options.parse_args()

  • in file config.json:
    "accumulate": "max",
    "integers": [

Then call it like so:

python addem.py -c config.json --sum


This isn't 100% compatible with argparse. In general, your arguments must resolve to JSON serializable types (int, string, etc.). In particular, you can't assign a function to the default or const arguments in your parser. As I like to dispatch actions from a central main function anyway, this hasn't bothered me.

I'm using reStructuredText instead of Markdown so I can upload this as the PyPy package index more easily.

Convert between extensions (in this case md and rst) with pandoc -o <name>.rst <name.md

I'm following the guide at the python-packaging readthedocs.

That's pretty much done. Now I'm using the docs at pytest to use py.test with this.

Install and Test

cd ~/Git/
git clone https://github.com/bbkane/argconfig.git
cd argconfig
conda create --name argconfig python=3
source activate argconfig
pip install -e .
python setup.py test
# run with pdb for debugging
python setup.py test --addopts --pdb
# run tests on save (requires entr)
git ls-files | entr python setup.py test


  • config backends:
    • configobj
    • env
    • pyyaml (requires an optional dependency)
    • api?
  • comments in the JSON
  • write parsers in other things than JSON
  • change write_config to output other things than JSON
  • make --list-overrides not look so ugly (add things to specify what is overriding what)
  • add docs
  • put library commands in subparser?