Moved to

I migrated away from Jekyll to Zola because I couldn't install the GitHub Pages gem locally and from GitHub Pages to Netlify so I didn't have to store generated HTML within the repo.

All pages here now redirect to there, via a new _layouts/default.html page.

Ben's Corner

My blog


Follow the Github instructions, but use the following information:

This breaks on ruby-2.4.0. Use rvm and ruby-2.3.3 instead.

Ubuntu 16.04 (my VM)

  • Make sure the right port is forwarded to the host in the Vagrantfile before boot: "forwarded_port", guest: 4000, host: 4000
  • Install dependencies (not using version managers because I can just wipe the VM)
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev nodejs
  • Ignore this error about html-pipeline
Thank you for installing html-pipeline!
You must bundle Filter gem dependencies.
See html-pipeline for more details.
  • Follow the Github instructions which boil down to this:

    • Install bundler: gem install bundler
    • install jekyll from the site root: cd && bundle install


On Mac, I'm not using a VM, so I need to isolate the processes using version managers.

  • Install dependencies

I'm using nvm so I can use multiple node versions.

nvm install node

I'm using rvm so I can use multiple ruby versions

rvm install ruby # I had to compile it...

rvm docs generate-ri
  • Ignore this message
Thank you for installing minima 2.0!

Minima 2.0 comes with a breaking change that
renders '<your-site>/css/main.scss' redundant.
That file is now bundled with this gem as

More Information:

Serve the site

  • From a VM, use the -H, --host option with the IP of so the site will be reachable from the host.
bundle exec jekyll serve --host
  • Go to the site:

  • Possibly use the -w, --watch option to rebuild the site on file changes.

  • Possibly use the -D, --drafts option to serve posts in the _drafts folder.

Customize CSS

Customize the CSS by overwriting attributes from the original theme in assets/css/style.css.

Update dependencies

When GitHub nags you to update dependencies, follow the advice on The GitHub Setup Page and run bundle update github-pages.