
Configs for apps I care about

Primary LanguagePython


My personal dotfiles! I use fling to manage most app configs.


fling --ignore 'README.*' --src-dir <dirname> link

fling will prompt before symlinking


fling --ignore 'README.*' --src-dir <dirname> unlink

fling will prompt before unlinking

Apps that cannot be installed with fling

  • vscode has an install script in the subfolder

Add a flingable config to the repo

  • make a directory with the name of an app
  • mirror app config's file structure from ~ into ./<app>/, replacing leading . with dot-. For example, if your app's config is stored at ~/.myapp/config, then make ./dot-myapp/config


Why store config per app rather than per platform?

  • I can easily see which apps have configs stored in this repo
  • I want to target which configs are deployed
  • Most of my work is on Mac, not the various Linux distros I used to play with

The cat commands need to quote 'EOF' to not expand variables. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/27921346/2958070

Use https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-update-fork-repo-from-original-repo-b853387dd471 to fork this repo, add features, make PRs, and keep it all synced.

Basically, fork, clone locally, and:

# add original repo to git config
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/bbkane/dotfiles.git
$ git pull upstream master
$ git push origin <branch_name>