
Keep git-xargs changes together

Primary LanguageShell

Hold git-xargs scripts I use to update my repos.

Basic steps for a change

  • update example-go-cli with change and test

  • write script to update fling but don't commit

    • Format is [date]-[name-of-change]/{run.sh,change.sh}, where run.sh calls git-xargs with change.sh if necessary
  • source GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN and do gitconfig workaround (see below)

  • run script against fling

  • run against other repos

  • merge PRs and update spreadsheet

  • restore gitconfig


Run Notes

Needs GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN in environment

Envelope instructions (once in the directory):

envelope env create
envelope env ref create --name GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN --ref-env-name keyring --ref-var-name github_personal_access_token
export-env "$PWD"

.gitconfig modifications

Due to gruntwork-io/git-xargs#48, I need to temporarily put user.name and user.email in .root gitconfig...

fling unlink --ask false -s ~/Git-GH/dotfiles/git

git config --global user.name "Benjamin Kane"
git config --global user.email "6081085+bbkane@users.noreply.github.com"

After running git-xargs, I need to re-symlink my git config:

rm ~/.gitconfig
fling link --ask false -s ~/Git-GH/dotfiles/git