DEPRECATED - MOVED TOI will erase this repo once I'm confident that works well enough :)
My Neovim Config. Also works for Vim.
NeoVim Install
- Back up old config
mv "$HOME/.config/nvim" "$HOME/.config/nvim.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
- Clone the repository
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config"
git clone https://github.com/bbkane/nvim.git "$HOME/.config/nvim"
Vim Install
- Backup ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim/
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
- Create symlinks
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/init.vim ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/ ~/.vim
Install Plugins (from editor)
- Install vim-plug.
Restart editor
Install Plugins
Install IDE components
I'd like to have the following functionality:
- ncm2 replacement without the bugs ( auto-complete from buffer, filesystem )
- run flake8 and black on Python code
- run shellcheck on bash code
But I need to figure out an easy way to install Python first... (probably using conda with an Install function to create an env)
Vim QuickInstall
Just the basic ~/.vimrc
- no plugins or anything. Useful for servers
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bbkane/nvim/master/init.vim > ~/.vimrc
Vim-commentary is one plugin I feel like I can't do without. Manually install it with:
curl --create-dirs -fLo ~/.vim/plugin/commentary.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tpope/vim-commentary/master/plugin/commentary.vim