This is to to see how to handle html.keyed with a server app
- Elm with lots of HTTP interactions
- VDOM optimizing with Html.Keyed and HTML.lazy
- Need to load lots of items on startup from a file so I can see how sluggish the frontend can get
Run with npx elm-live src/Main.elm --open -- --debug
- Clean up TODOs - need a validation function before I convert to HTTP request
GET /api/items/ -- get all (with ids)
{ response: [ { content: "", id: 1 }, ] }
POST /api/items/ -- create new { "content": "bob wuz here" }
PATCH /api/items/1 -- update item { "content": "bob wuzn't here" }
DELETE /api/items/1 -- delete
Data Structure for list
For the list of items I need a data structure that can:
append at the end
delete from the middle
edit from middle
remain sorted in insortion order
Array - append, no delete (can with filter), can edit, can remain sorted
Dict - append, delete, no remain sorted (can with separate list of sorted ids)
List - append, no delete (can with filter - TODOMVC does this), remain sorted
Set - append, delete, edit?, no remain sorted, doesn't work with non-primitive types (wtf?)
Data Structure for complex todos
- edit todoToAdd from from at top
- edit todo from any index in Todos
- cancel edit todo from any index in Todos (i.e., replace it with previous content)
- I think I want to implement this by having a scratch Todo that doesn't write over previous indexed one
Todo has many ^common^ fields ( say text, priority, tags, url) and some fields for some specific scenario (like a server id). How can I work with that data structure in one place?
Use extensible records?
-- this will be contained in model
type alias Todo t = { t | text : String, priority: Int, .. }
TodoFromServer = { id: Id, text: String, ... }
TodoEditing = { id: Id, index: Index, text: String, ... }
What if I want 2 Todos in the top level model?
or something like:
type alias Model =
{ text: String
, priority: Int
, todoEditing: Maybe TodoEditing
, todos: Array.Array TodoFromServer
- use a piping API to set?
- Use a custom message type to set core values?
UpdateTodo = UpdateText newText | UpdatePriority newPriority...