
Unit test Kubernetes manifests with Python & Pytest

Primary LanguagePython


This repository shows how you can use Pytest to unit test your Kubernetes YAML files.


There are many good projects that help you to define "unit" tests for your Kubernetes manifests, e.g. conftest, config-lint or polaris. But, if you don't like custom DSLs, or you're just already using Python, then you can get inspired by simple examples from this repository.


The manifests.yaml file contains a sample Nginx ingress controller deployment.

The conftest.py configures a --file flag for the pytest command.

There are a few examples of tests in the tests/test_manifests.py file, e.g.:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('obj', DATA)
def test_allowed_kind_values(obj: dict):
    assert obj['kind'] in ('Pod', 'ServiceAccount', 'NetworkPolicy')

Here's the sample output:

obj = {'apiVersion': 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1', 'kind': 'ClusterRole', 'metadata': {'annotations': {'helm.sh/hook': 'pr...ups': ['admissionregistration.k8s.io'], 'resources': ['validatingwebhookconfigurations'], 'verbs': ['get', 'update']}]}

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj', DATA)
    def test_allowed_kind_values(obj: dict):
>       assert obj['kind'] in ('Pod', 'ServiceAccount', 'NetworkPolicy', 'Deployment', 'Job', 'Service', 'Role')
E       AssertionError: assert 'ClusterRole' in ('Pod', 'ServiceAccount', 'NetworkPolicy', 'Deployment', 'Job', 'Service', ...)

tests/test_manifests.py:7: AssertionError

You can find the full output in the GitHub Actions history.