
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python (Flask) Web App with SQLite Database

License Top Language Contributors

A Python web app that uses the Flask framework and SQLite database for data persistence to store a users top 10 movies based on the entered rating out of 10. Utilized SQLAlchemy/SQL and Flask to practice decorators, routes, and database connectivity. Although not deployed, the project served as a valuable practice exercise for understanding web development concepts and building robust backend functionality. Strengthened skills in web development frameworks, database connectivity, and data persistence using Flask and SQLAlchemy.

Edit a moive's rating or review


Delete a movie from database


Add movie to database



Installing from the requirements.txt handles most of the requirements, but you will also need to make sure to have a The Movie DB developer account to access an API key to complete the searches.

Built With

Local Development

  1. (Optional) Setup a virtual environment and activate it to install requirements into the virtual environment to run instead of your computers global environment.

  2. Install the project requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a .env using the .env.sample file as a guide. Change THEMOVIEDB_API_KEY, DB_STRING, and SECRET_KEY to the proper information of your instance of the SQLite database.
  • SECRET_KEY can be set using this command
python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())'
  1. Run the migrations
flask db upgrade
  1. Run the local server: (or use VS Code "Run" button and select "Run server")
flask run


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).