
A multi-threaded and asynchronous implementation of conway's game of life built using ggez

Primary LanguageRust

Fast Game of Life

Build Instructions

  • cargo run --release not running on release will make it slow...



  • Conway's Game of Life implemented using ggez
  • Default runs on 10000 by 10000 cell grid(modfiy GRID_SIZE global variable to change number of cells, and WINDOW_WIDTH and WINDOW_HEIGHT globals to change size of view)
    • Number of cells is probably bigger than your computer screen. For reference, on my 1920 wide laptop, it will fit about 82 cells across
    • ... which is why you can use arrow keys to move around the grid!
    • Furtheremore, movement is asynchronous, so you can fly around the screen :).
  • Some predefined patterns(look in src/patterns.rs for more details)
  • Can choose run of number of threads of your choosing(Backend::MultiThreaded(num_threads)) or just have program figure it out by using the rayon data parallelism library(Backend::Rayon)
pub fn main() -> GameResult {
    // ************  GRID  ************   
    // NOTE: all patterns start drawing from the top leftmost corner of the
    // "smallest bounding rectangle" of the pattern
    let start_point = (0,150);
    let mut init_b_matrix_vector = patterns::PatternBuilder::new()
    // ************  GGEZ  ************   
    let cb = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("super_simple", "ggez").window_mode(
            .dimensions(WINDOW_WIDTH as f32, WINDOW_HEIGHT as f32),

    // ************  RUNNING  ************   
    let (ref mut ctx, ref mut event_loop) = cb.build()?;

    // default offset start at (0,0), but can change if you want
    // Note these numbers must be positive or will panic
    let origin_point = 0.1 as f32;
    //let update_method = Backend::MultiThreaded(8);
    //let update_method = Backend::Single;
    let update_method = Backend::Rayon;
    let ref mut state = Grid::new(ctx,update_method)?
    event::run(ctx, event_loop, state)