
OSG tools for interacting with glideinWMS

Primary LanguagePython


OSG tools for interacting with glideinWMS

Kestrel is a set of tools to improve interactions with the glideinWMS software suite.


Kestrel is a set of tools for interacting with glideinWMS. This section provides an overview of how to use each tool.


The gfactory_entry_requests prints out a line per-frontend, per-group, per-entry of the requests made to the given factory. It is a wrapper around the venerable condor_status client and inherits its command line options. For example, you can use the -const option to filter information. To look only at requests from the CMSG-v1_0 frontend, you can do:

$ gfactory_entry_requests -const 'FrontendName=?="CMSG-v1_0"'


The gfactory_frontend_info discovers all known frontends that are connected to a factory. It prints out the frontend name, the frontend's VO collector, identity, collector HTCondor version, and monitoring URL. The tool is oriented toward assisting operators in discovering useful frontend information for debugging.


Print out all frontends and groups registered with a given factory.


Given a VO collector name, schedd, and job ID, print out any matching sites or entry points.

If there are no matching sites, summarize the reason why each site was excluded.

An example invocation:

gwms_analyze_job -p collector.example.com -n schedd.example.com 1880275.0 --unsafe

Note: this script must run arbitrary python code controlled by the frontend. Only use it if this is an acceptable situation.


Compare two collectors for HA setups.

Given two VO collectors, this will compare the glideins registered to each. Inconsistent HA collectors is an early sign of a pool that is scaling poorly.

Sample output:

$ gwms_compare_collectors collector1.example.com collector2.example.com
There are 89182 unique glideins in vocms097.cern.ch; 87905 are claimed and 1271 are unclaimed
There are 95643 unique glideins in vocms099.cern.ch; 94404 are claimed and 1235 are unclaimed
There are 95782 total unique glideins; 94470 are claimed and 1350 are unclaimed
There are 89043 glideins in both; 87839 claimed and 1156 unclaimed


The stderr of a glidein contains a compressed version of the master, startd, and starter log; use the tool to decompress and print the contents to stdout.

This is useful for site admins who would like to look at the contents of logs on a CE.


To install Kestrel, run:

python setup.py sdist && cp dist/*.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
rpmbuild -ba config/kestrel.spec
rpm -Uhv ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/kestrel-*.rpm