
Export user groups from Okta into various formats

Primary LanguagePython


Export user groups from Okta into various formats using the Okta API.

  • raw_user_list.csv: The raw data that is output from the API.
  • formatted_user_list.csv, formatted_user_list.xls: The data formatted into human friendly format. (WIP)
  • okta_user_import.csv, okta_user_import.csv: Exports the data into a format that can be imported into another Okta instance. This was the reason for creating this repo.


Install pipenv if you don't already have it.

$ pipenv --python 3.6
$ pipenv install '-e .' --dev
$ pipenv shell

You will need to set up a .env file with neccesary info from Okta.

OKTA_ROOT_URL = '' # Example: 'https://dev-333222.oktapreview.com'


To create the files.

pipenv run python main.py