
(WIP) Generate documentation for your react project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📒 react-doc

The goal of this is to easily create/display documentation for a react project. I was messing around with parsing the files (the remains of this are in /docodile) but have switched to babylon. With a few more updates this should be ready to at least be considered an alpha. Right now it generates extremely basic documentation (that uses react) into a react-doc directory within your project

Usage / Development

This is an active (but early) WIP, eventually there will be usage via NPM but to play around with it right now you would need to...

  • git clone git@github.com:bbohen/react-doc.git
  • cd react-doc
  • Install Yarn
  • yarn
  • yarn link
  • react-doc in your react project directory

By default react-doc will ignore .git, node_modules & the resulting react-doc folder itself if you want to ignore additional directories you can pass the ignore param

Example: react-doc --ignore /someDirectory or react-doc --i /someDirectory /someOtherDirectory


Run tests using Jest:

  • npm run test