
My dotfiles managed with Dotbot

Primary LanguageShell


These dotfiles are managed using Dotbot. If you found these, I wouldn't recommend cloning and installing, but feel to look for something interesting (though there are plenty of other better examples out there). One new thing I found recently is nano customizations (submodule included)! I don't spend a lot of time in nano, but it's nice for it to look decent when I use it for quick edit.

Macbook Setup

For a generally helpful summary of a dev setup, see https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/ XCode is a set of developer tools from Apple that have to be installed. To install them, go to the App Store and install XCode. This is a big package and will take quite a while. Once XCode is installed, run the following in your terminal:

sudo xcodebuild -license
xcode-select --install

The first line will prompt you to read the license and agree to it. It will ask for your password. The second line will prompt you to install the command line tools. Follow the instructions and you’ll have Xcode and Xcode command line tools both installed.

When setting up a Mac for the first time, run macos.sh to set common settings. In System preferences -> Sound, change Alert Volume slider to 0 to stop terminal bell. A topbar extension that shows the calendar like in Gnome: https://www.mowglii.com/itsycal/


Install brew with

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Note that Command Line Tools for Xcode are required for Homebrew, https://docs.brew.sh/Installation Run brew bundle to generate a Brewfile. Run brew bundle intsall -v to install the packages (-v for verbose output, and it will look in the current directory for Brewfile). After installing fzf with brew, enable shell extensions (better shell integration):


which gives the key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, and ALT-C) (available for bash, zsh and fish).

Default shell

I like the fish. After it is installed with brew, make it the default shell

echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s `which fish`

To sync fish abbreviations (which are saved as universal variables), run

abbr > abbr.fish

Loading these abbreviations is taken care of in install.conf.yaml

Doom Emacs

Installing emacs and doom: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/blob/develop/docs/getting_started.org#on-macos

Final steps/Other programs/TODO

After Vscode is installed, install the extentions:

cd ~/.dotfiles
cat vscode/extensions | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension

When starting Neovim on a new machine, :PlugInstall to activate the plugins I have.

I haven't looked into installing these with Homebrew yet, so for now its the long way

Linux Setup


To get libinput working after startup, run

libinput-gestures-setup stop desktop autostart start

Cursor theme in wayland and flatpak

command below

flatpak --user override --filesystem=/home/$USER/.icons/:ro

General cursor stuff in arch wiki

pacman packges

See: https://github.com/bruhtus/package-backup

MsTeams in Sway

Copy ./teams.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications and ./microsoft-teams-2019.png to ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/microsoft-teams-2019.png