
getGetter() - a brief history of JavaScript [Symbol.iterator].

Primary LanguageJavaScript


getGetter() - a brief history of JavaScript [Symbol.iterator].


There was a time when we did load all data in a single JavaScript command.

But with time going by, data growing and our interpreters evolving we finally managed to build something like an asynchronous cloud in JavaScript. With this Cloud we can fetch our items one by one, instead of keeping everything in memory.

Sounds awesome, doesn't it? You're right.. its speed is.. ugh, what should I say?

Blazing Fast


Getting started

Run the following commands one after another. Each command will introduce you to a new problem and a possible solution to it. Read the output carefully and take a look at the implementation if necessary. You should understand each single step before carrying on to the next one.

node step_1
node step_2
node step_3
node step_4
node step_5


MDN web docs on Symbol.iterator