
Clone of the Drupal Extension repository from http://drupal.org/project/drupalextension

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Behat Drupal Extension

The Drupal Extension is an integration layer between Behat, Mink Extension, and Drupal. It provides step definitions for common testing scenarios specific to Drupal sites.

Build Status

The Drupal Extension 3.0 supports Drupal 7 and 8, and utilizes Behat 3. For Drupal 6 support (or Behat 2), use the 1.0 version.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License Scrutinizer Code Quality

Use it for testing your Drupal site.

Full documentation

  1. You'll need something resembling this composer.json file
    "require": {
      "drupal/drupal-extension": "~3.0"
    "config": {
      "bin-dir": "bin/"
  1. Then run
php composer.phar install

To download the required dependencies. If composer isn't installed

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  1. At a minimum, your behat.yml file will look like this
        - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
      goutte: ~
      selenium2: ~
      base_url: http://git6site.devdrupal.org/
      blackbox: ~
  1. To add in support for additional web-based step definitions add the extended Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext:
  - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Contexti\DrupalContext
  - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext

Additional contexts include MessageContext for interacting with Drupal messages (error, status, warning), and DrushContext for directly calling Drush commands from scenarios.

  1. To see a list of available step definitions
bin/behat -dl

If the step definitions aren't listed, try running this command:

bin/behat --init
  1. Start adding your feature files to the features directory of your repository.

  2. Features that require API access in order to setup the proper testing conditions can be tagged with @api. This will bootstrap the driver specified by the api_driver parameter (which defaults to the drush driver). When using the drush driver, this must be initialized via the behat.yml file.

    blackbox: ~
    # Set the drush alias to "@self" by default, when executing tests from within the drupal installation.
      alias: self

Alternatively, the root path to the Drupal installation may be specified.

    blackbox: ~
      root: /my/path/to/drupal

If you want to use native API calls instead of drush API you should configure your behat.yml as follows:

  api_driver: "drupal"
    drupal_root: "/absolute/path/to/drupal"
  1. Targeting content in specific regions can be accomplished once those regions have been defined.
      My region: "#css-selector"
      Content: "#main .region-content"
      Right sidebar: "#sidebar-second"
  1. The drupal extension makes use of three selectors by default for messages:
      message_selector: '.messages'
      error_message_selector: '.messages.messages-error'
      success_message_selector: '.messages.messages-status'
  1. Text strings, such as Log out or the Username field can be altered via behat.yml if they vary from the default values.

        log_out: "Sign out"
        log_in: "Sign in"
        password_field: "Enter your password"
        username_field: "Nickname"
  2. The Drupal Extension is capable of discovering additional step-definitions provided by subcontexts. Module authors can provide these in files following the naming convention of foo.behat.inc. Once that module is enabled, the Drupal Extension will load these.

Additional subcontexts can be loaded by either placing them in the bootstrap directory (typically features/bootstrap) or by adding them to behat.yml.

        - "/path/to/additional/subcontexts"
  	    - "/another/path"

To disable automatic loading of subcontexts:

      autoload: 0
  1. The file: features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php is for testing the Drupal Extension itself, and should not be used as a starting point for a feature context. A feature context that extends the Drupal Extension would look like this:
use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext;

class FeatureContext extends DrupalContext {
  1. Methods in your FeatureContext class can be tagged to fire before certain events:
use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Hook\Scope\EntityScope;


 * Call this function before nodes are created.
 * @beforeNodeCreate
 public function alterNodeObject(EntityScope $scope) {
   $node = $scope->getEntity();
   // Alter node object as needed.

Other available tags include @beforeTermCreate and @beforeUserCreate

Additional resources

Examples and code snippets