
Primary LanguageJavaScript


I could've made my life much easier with using class based components, but this is the first project where I tried to use functional components with hooks, also this is the first project where I wrote some kind of tests for it.


Here is a demo deployed on heroku. Watch out, the first load might take long as there is a coldstart period on herokus side.


  • make things responsive

  • Improve image size of header image

  • create a grid in the PizzaOverview to improve responsiveness

  • add skeletons when fetching data from api

  • make use of api and add error handling to services

  • improve the extras display, the wireframe for this is flawed as the user doesn't see all possible options without clicking the selection. This would greatly improve the impulsively bought extras

  • fix jumping around when selecting extras, this is obsolte if the extras display is changed

  • add validation to textfields when ordering

  • use material-ui makeStyles for stying instead of just classname and css

  • write more detailed tests

  • test it on more browsers than chrome