
Properties aquired through ConfigLoader should be typed explicitly and converted if necessary

jmorenojuez opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

Nice work with your email library; It has made my life much easier.

I think that I migth have found a little bug. Basically if you set a property that it is supposed to be a String like "simplejavamail.smtp.password" to an integer number, I get the followiing Exception when builind a Mailer instance:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String

By setting quoting the property on the propertis file I can bypass the issue but the problem afterwards is that the value of the property has these quotes. Same using double quotes.

Best regards.

Hi @jmorenojuez, thanks for the report! Can you post up a small example code?

Can you please verify that this was solved in 5.0.4?