
I analysed part-time employment in the NSW State Government as part of the NSW Government Virtual Internship c/o InsideSherpa.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Analysing Part-Time Employment in the NSW State Government

In the Data Analysis case study under the Virtual Internship Program of the NSW Government (c/o InsideSherpa), I analysed part-time employment to brief the Director before a meeting with the Workforce Diversity Steering Committee. The meeting aimed to review whether part-time employment arrangements are increasing.

My aim in this internship was to provide:

  • Trends over time in male and female employment, including any notable changes
  • The current representation of part-time employees in the sector and each cluster
  • The current representation of male and female part-time employees as a proportion of the respective male and the female workforce in the sector and each cluster
  • Change in these two above statistics over the last 4 years
  • Projection of what the representation will be by 2025 if the current trends continue

For the data analysis, I performed the following:

  • Explored the dataset
  • Determined the variation of male and female employment in the sector from 2014 - 2018
  • Obtained the proportion of part-time employees in the sector and each cluster in 2018
  • Obtained the proportion of male and female part-time employees in the sector and each cluster in 2018
  • Determined the variation of the proportion of male and female part-time employees in the sector and each cluster over time (2014 - 2018)
  • Forecasted the variation of the proportion of male and female part-time employees in the sector and each cluster over time (2014 - 2025)

The results show that:

  • Male employment in the NSW government indicates upward trend from 2014 - 2018, while female employment shows downward trend. The government employed more women than men in this period.
  • In 2018, part-time employees comprised 29.6% of the sector workforce. The clusters of Education, Health, and Finance, Services & Innovation have the highest representation of part-time employees in 2018. Meanwhile, the clusters of Industry, Treasury, and Justice have the lowest representation of part-time employees in 2018.
  • About 16.5% of males and 36.7% of females in the sector are part-time employees in 2018. Education , Finance, Services & Innovation, and Health have the highest representation of male part-time employees in 2018. Meanwhile, Industry , Treasury , and Family & Community Services have the lowest representation of male part-time employees in 2018. For the representation of female part-time employees in 2018, Education , Health , and Finance, Services & Innovation show the highest values while Industry , Treasury, and Family & Community Services indicate the lowest.
  • The proportion of males as part-time employees in the sector increased from 2014 - 2018. From the upward trend, male part-time employees could reach 26.8% by 2025. On the other hand, the proportion of females as part-time employees in the sector peaked in 2017 and could decrease to 29% by 2025.
  • For the employment of part-time males, 5 out of the 10 clusters (Education, Finance, Services & Innovation, Health, Justice, and Transport) are predicted to hire more until 2025. For the employment of part-time females, all clusters except Finance, Services & Innovation, Health, and Justice are forecasted to hire less until 2025 (see figure below).

For more details, please see the Data Analysis - Data Sheets.xlsx Excel file and the full data analysis in the Project_NSW.ipynb notebook above.