
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie App

React JS Fundamentals practice

React JS Fundamentals

  1. jsx & components & props

    • jsx => basic document obj in react
    • function components <- props as arg.
      • props.name / props.image ... can be passed
    • class componenets => class - extends ReactComponent
    • how to check if props is passed: [prop-types] ex) {prop.anything} = PropTypes.string.isRequired
  2. state

    • used when? dynamic data in class component
    • manipulate state: [setState()] need to call 'render' again
    • [current] get current state ex) this.setState(current => ({count: current.count-1}));
  3. component life-cycle

    • Mounting: These methods are called in the following order when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM

      • [constructor()]
      • [render()]
      • [cmponentDidMount()]
    • Updating: An update can be caused by changes to props or state. These methods are called in the following order when a component is being re-rendered

      • [render()]
      • [componentDidUpdate()]
    • Unmount: This method is called when a component is being removed from the DOM

      • [componentWillUnmount()]

making movie app

  1. fetching api data: [axios]

  2. wait for inner function: [async] - [await]

  3. routing: [react-router-dom]

  4. deploying -> package.json

    • setup homepage
    • npm run build
    • setup deploy & predeploy
    • DEPLOY!